Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Never Forget

Joshua 4: 6-7
“We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, 'What do these stones mean?' Then you can tell them, 'They remind us that the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of the LORD's Covenant went across.' These stones will stand as a memorial among the people of Israel forever.” [NLT]

God doesn't want us to forget where he brought us from. We may or may not know where we would be right now if it wasn't for God's grace. In my case, I would still be living in a third world country possibly without a formal education. I would either be roaming the streets looking for love and entering dangerous relationships or in a loveless marriage. But because of God's love for me and his plan for my life, whatever it may be, I'm here in the United States in my last few years of college interacting with his people. God had the Israelites use stones to build a memorial so that his FUTURE children will ask what they meant. If there is nothing to represent where we were brought from then our kids and those who will be entering the body of Christ won't know and their faith in Christ won't be strengthen completely. I guess that's the power of having and giving our testimonies.

A woman in my life tried showing this to me a while back. I guess at the time I focused too much on the fact that whatever testimony I had wasn't great enough to help anyone so I really thought I had no testimony. Now I realize that it doesn't have to be some huge thing like God delivered you from some huge sin (as the eyes of man would see it), but something that you feel is so minute can be GREAT in God's eyes.

So one of my great testimonies is that God held me TIGHT! He didn't allow me to fall into some sin that I would feel like I could never get out of. He held me so tight that he gave me the mother I have to discipline me as a child. A mother wouldn't have let me run the streets thinking I was a big girl at the age of 7. My testimony is that God brought me out a desperate country to another country where my full potential can be reached, and will be reached through Him, with Him.

Song that popped into my head:
Artist: Hillsong
Song: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

-:- PeaceLoveHarmony -:-