Today marks Day 1 of my fast in preparation of an event being put on my the members of my campus ministry. The details of the fast are dependent on the ministry. As part of the fast, my Praise Team Director wanted us to share on facebook our devotion of the day. I want to share my post with all of you.
-:- PeaceLoveHarmony -:-
Initially my devotional scripture was Luke 9:62. But an app on my phone allows me to look up the Hebrew or Greek words for the English translation. So I clicked on “Jesus” and these are the definitions it gave me:
Jesus = “Jehovah is salvation”
1. Jesus, the son of God, the savior of mankind, God incarnate
2. Jesus Barabbas was the captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate to release instead of Christ
It also tells me that there were several other people who had the name Jesus, but what blew my mind was that the two people that were put up to be judged and thus only one freed by the Jews were both named Jesus. So I looked more into it and Barabbas means “Son of Abba” AKA “Son of the Father.” Now we all know that Jesus was also the son of the father (another crazy coincidence.)
So now we have two people who are named Jesus and who are the “Son of the Father” but both are completely opposite with completely opposite fathers. What I got is that we have a choice to make everyday. We either choose to kill Jesus Christ, the son of the true and living father, or we choose to kill Jesus Barabbas, the son of the devil. With every negative thought about ourselves and every impure action we are killing Jesus. The devil wants us to keep Barabbas alive so he will attack us in every way possible, even with the use of manipulation. And we can see that in Mark 15:11: “the leading priests stirred up the crowd to demand the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus.” But every time we shoot the devil down and overcome his tactics we are taking Jesus down from the cross.